Harvard MTA Universal HandMix
Endodontic biocompatible repair cement
- Highly biocompatible material
- Very good bonding to dentin
- No solubility in tissue fluid after setting
- High pH-value
- HandMix: flexible and economical
- Radiopaque
- Next clinical step after 5 minutes
- Repairing of tooth structure
- Formation of tertiary dentin over the pulp (“dentin bridge”)
- Formation of a protective layer against bacteria due to
- the formation of calcium hydroxide and apatite
- Setting unaffected by humidity
- Can easily be mixed to a nice creamy consistency
Overview of the clinical indications of Harvard MTA Universal HandMix
Pulp Capping
- Pulp protection: direct and indirect pulp capping
Filling of root canal perforation
- Excellent seal
- Formation of a protective layer preventing bacterial penetration
- Biocompatible
Root end filling (orthograde)
- Sealing the apex in one step
- Compatible with guttapercha and all root canal sealers
Root end filling (retrograde)
- Setting is not affected by humidity