Harvard Ionoglas Cem LC

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Light cure resin modified glass ionomer cement for luting crowns and bridges


  • Perfect consistency for cementation
  • Fine fillers
  • Light cure
  • Adhesion to enamel and dentin
  • Radiopaque
  • Not sensitive to moisture


  • Durable restorations
  • Easy to mix
  • Convenient to apply
  • Good fit and seal
  • Esthetic restorations


Harvard Ionoglas Cem LC is the perfect choice for the cementation of all kinds of restorations. Inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges made of metal, zirconia or ceramic can be luted with long-term clinical success.

Harvard Ionoglas Cem LC has improved mechanical properties compared to classical GIC. It is not sensitive to moisture. The application is very easy.

Harvard Ionoglas Cem LC results in esthetic and long-lasting luting and lining applications.

For optimal results use Ionoresin Prime LC.
